Do you know the universal question each and every homeschool mama has?
“How do I choose my curriculum for my children?”
It is the age-old question because there are so many options. While curriculum will vary from family to family here are the 3 best ways to choose a curriculum that will turbo-charge your homeschool.
As you look over different types of curriculum ask yourself these questions and I know you will find the perfect curriculum match.
My only disclaimer is that you want to remember life changes. Your children change, you change, and how we like to learn changes.
For that reason, something that may have worked for years can suddenly not seem to have to same impact. It is no one’s fault.
#1 Know your budget/homeschool situation
You have to purchase a curriculum based on what your family can afford.
Although, you may have seen an all-in-one bundle that will cover everything and offers you all the support you think you could ever need. Is it beyond your price range?
For example, there are some preschool curriculum options that can cost you over $700.00 for the year or more.
Other grade levels can cost well into thousands of dollars.
On the other hand, there are programs that offer monthly paid subscriptions at $15-$30 for access to their curriculum.
Now I am not saying you can’t buy whatever curriculum if that is what you would like. It could be that it is a match made in heaven despite the price or your budget is open.
Whatever you choose is fine.
But I will tell you this my family by no means would be able to purchase that a crazy expensive curriculum set for a preschooler and feel it is justified.
I do believe there are just too many free and reasonably priced resources available.
In addition, my husband and I agree with the belief that children under 5 spend most of their lives growing. And that learning is experienced by living life outside and through natural curiously.
We will add in some learning pages to practice writing and other skills, but that is a small portion of learning at a younger age.
Take time to think about how your home situation applies to how you homeschool and how your predetermined budget will fit into that.
Maybe your child has special needs and you want to feel the curriculum is adaptive to your child, so you are willing to spend a little more.
No matter what the very first thing to do is know your budget to avoid overspending. And be aware of any special or unusual circumstances may affect how you will teach or how your child will learn.
#2 Know how your child learns?
This step is pivotal in deciding on the type of curriculum from year to year. Once you know which learning style applies to your child you can narrow down what you are looking for.
Unsure of your child’s learning style?
Then you will find my “Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling for Beginners” this PDF mini-guide extremely useful. It gets you started on determining your ‘why’ for homeschooling, understanding learning styles, and what teaching methods are available to you.
This is just an introduction to homeschool but it is a great start.
All at the click of a button and a simple download because its free. Get it below.
If your child doesn’t learn by reading through books then buying a boxed curriculum that includes textbooks, workbooks, etc. won’t do your child any justice.
Is your child is a hands-on learner then you deciding to teach only through videos or electronics would be a disservice to your child.
Now, you may be banging your head against the wall thinking ‘why is this curriculum not working I have everything I need. I bought all the right stuff and I have all the books. What’s wrong?’
What’s wrong is that they don’t work for your child. Yes, adding other learning styles to how you teach is a good practice and is useful as your child grows but it has to work with the main way they learn.
As you go over your options remember to be aware of your child’s learning style. This is perfect for keeping things fresh and expanding your curriculum in small ways.
#3 Know your teaching style
As equally important to your child’s learning style is your teaching style. You have the biggest impact on your child and their education when you homeschool.
That’s the reason we love it!
The way you teach matters because if you buy a virtual curriculum pack and prefer to teach with a more hands-on style you won’t enjoy teaching it.
However, the best part of knowing your teaching style is that you can actually search for curriculum using the type of teaching style you utilize.
Coincidentally, knowing your teaching style enables you to know what type of curriculum will work in your homeschool. You can narrow it down to what works for you and then choose the finer details based on your child’s learning style.
These two details are so intertwined that I believe that are both equally important in your curriculum decisions. It is so important that it is covered in great detail in my “Ultimate Guide for Homeschooling-Full Edition” PDF that it takes up 4 pages.
You will maximize your knowledge and time by investing in my Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling for Beginners (it is great even for moderate homeschoolers too). Click here to get the full edition and all the homeschool bonuses it comes with by clicking here.
While many people don’t want to hear it…there is no such thing as the PERFECT curriculum.
It takes narrowing it down as close as you can and then trying it out. You may check all the boxes and the curriculum still not work. That is totally fine.
You know what to look for. And knowing is the first step.
Time to Buy?
So remember when searching for the curriculum you want to have your budget fairly set in relation to your homeschool situation. As well as you want to know both your teaching style and your child’s learning style.
If they are younger they probably have not determined a learning style and can be exposed to all styles until you narrow it down.
And yes you may buy some curriculum that doesn’t work for your child. Or it works at first but later is no longer applicable to them.
It happens.
Running into Issues:
If you run into that issue try to make adjustments to see if the problem/stall can be fixed. If you can’t fix it make a change. There is no good reason to try and force something that does not work.
That is one of the reasons we enjoy the unit study approach. We can include all types of activities centered around one theme. If a certain part of the packet isn’t working we can focus on something else.
Unit studies focus on each learning style and can be tailored to all age levels.
Since you are looking for a curriculum one of the easiest places to search is my unit studies page. There are themes that range from the Arctic to Spanish to Mother’s Day.
Now that you know what to look for as you start your curriculum search the next step is how to get that curriculum without breaking the bank.
As you make decisions you will doubt yourself. You will question every choice you make. But doing so means you are taking into account what is best for your child and that is what is important.
To keep you from making the same mistake so many other homeschool moms make you should check out 3 Common Mistakes Homeschool Mamas and How to Fix Them post.
You’ve got this. Get shopping.
Homeschool Discounts to Save Your Family Money
Did you know that as a homeschool mom you can get discounts on supplies, decor, and field trips?
As a homeschooler, your family can be entitled to discounts for teachers and even exclusive perks for homeschool parents as well.
While the easiest way to know what a company offers is to ask. However, there is a right way to do it and you need a few things in order to show that you are a homeschooling family as well.
You will find everything you need to maximize your homeschool discounts in order to save your family money and it only takes a few things.
Get started today and check out all the discounts that could be available for your family.
Why You’re Eligible:
As a homeschooler, you are considered an educator.
This means any discounts available to teachers or other educational support staff are eligible to you.
Some businesses have even developed discounts and perks exclusive to homeschoolers, so feel free to ask.
Sometimes a business may tell you they aren’t sure if you qualify, so always come prepared with your identification and speak with someone who has knowledge of their policies.
Places You’re Eligible:
The types of places that offer educator discounts are honestly endless.
But some of the most common places that you find probably find yourself at fairly often that offer discounts are certain craft stores, most book stores, and so much more.
More obvious places where you can use these discounts are zoos, museums, aquariums, and movie theaters. This would entitle you to both educator and student discounts when they apply.
Plus, there are places that you wouldn’t think about such as hotels, cell phone companies, and major technology companies.
The types of places you can find are limitless and if there is a place that you are looking for and can’t find NEVER be afraid to ask.
Proving Your Eligibility:
Having a Homeschool ID:
There are numerous benefits to creating a homeschool ID. You can use it as proof when visiting common field trip places like zoos or museums.
Having a teacher ID can usually serve as enough proof when you are at local stores and you are requesting an educator’s discount.
Another type of homeschool ID you should consider getting is a student ID for your little ones as well.
A few reasons why Student ID’s are important:
- If your child ever gets lost when you are out an ID can help them be found easier
- If you are ever approached about truancy it can prove their current education status
- They can use their ID for student discounts
- It is a great way to give them a touch of “public school” if other students are wearing ID cards
Creating Your Homeschool ID:
You have a few options when it comes to creating your homeschool ID.
Each option is fairly easy and they are all cheap it just depends on how much work you want to do.
Homeschool Buyers Co-op– If you aren’t already a member you should sign up–it’s FREE. As a homeschooler, it’s a great community to be a part of from access to discounted curriculum, homeschooling resources, and more.
You simply fill out the fields, choose the color option, and upload a photo.
I suggest printing it on cardstock then laminating it. If you don’t have a laminator you can have a copy mailed to your home for $7.95.
Home School Legal Defense Association-This option is by far the most expensive, but if you are already a member or would like to invest in a legal support option then this is the time. HSLDA membership provides legal advice, access to legal forms, and other resources.
Your other information will already be on file, so you just choose your state and add in your student’s name. Then follow the same steps for your ID. The cards will be mailed to you.
This option will cost you $9.99 per card plus your cost of membership if you aren’t already paid for the year.
Create Your Own- A common option is to use Word or any editing program that you are comfortable with to create the front and back of your card.
Be sure to keep the font small enough to fit all the text. Print out the two sheets and then you can laminate them together yourself or take them to your local office supply store and they will do it for you.
Student ID Card Details:
- Student ID Card listed near the top
- Name of your homeschool
- Name, Age and their Grade (Be sure to list the titles along with the information)
- School Logo (Pick one if you don’t already have one)
Teacher ID Card Details:
- Homeschool Name and Logo
- Teacher ID Cardtitle listed predominately
- Contact info (phone mumber, an email, and
Creating a Homeschool Letterhead
A letterhead is essential to strengthen your homeschool’s image and present it in a professional manner when necessary. When you have a high-quality letterhead it truly enhances homeschool’s image.
Determining the wording on your letterhead can vary overall but you want to make sure it has a few key things on it.
Such as:
- Your name
- Your address
- A telephone number
- A good contact email
- A website is optional
The biggest thing to keep in mind when creating your letterhead is that you don’t want to put too much information.
It is meant to be a professional way to communicate your personal information and educator status.
Some businesses may ask for other information to verify your homeschool status like the age or grade of children you teach this is another great place to include that information.
To help you with that I have created 10 FREE editable templates.
They include different designs, a basic introduction for any homeschooler, and leave ample space for any other information you may want to include.
I always suggest having another family member like your husband or someone in your co-op sign off as the principal.
You can get the free templates at the bottom of this post. They are a lifesaver on so many other occasions as well.
The Best Discount List:
I was raised that if someone has taken the time to do a job well then why not make the most of it.
One of the most comprehensive discount lists can be found be here.
Not only does it break down all the discounts by categories such as books/classrooms, travel, and clothing options but the creator has even taken the time to add the notes by state and everything you need to get the discount.
This is one of the most comprehensive lists I have come across and I wouldn’t want to give you anything but the best so be sure to go through all the perks that you feel could help your family.
My Advice:
Take some time to go through all of the main categories and decide which things you are interested in.
Then read the details of what you need to provide to receive the discount and write it down (if needed).
Finally, spend a good amount of time on the travel section where you will find discounts for hotels, theme parks, zoos, and more. This area is where I feel you will find some of the most beneficial perks as an educator.
Asking For the Discount:
Although most companies with an educator discount will recognize a homeschooler and honor their policies you want to still be polite.
Asking in the right way is half the battle. Some people may not have had a homeschooler ask before so they may not be certain right away.
In those instances, I suggest asking to speak to a manager or someone in charge of their educator’s discounts then follow these steps.
- Politely ask if there are any educator discounts available.
- After they let you know, inform them you are a homeschooler who is planning to spend several hundred dollars (even if it may not get that high haha) this current/upcoming school year and were looking into discounts.
- Have your documentation ready [covered in details below] and see what they say.
Making the Most of Your Discounts:
In order to take advantage of the discounts available to you be sure to create all of your homeschool documents if you haven’t already. They are really beneficial to you even if you don’t take advantage of all these discounts (which would be crazy).
Remember to grab the Homeschool Letterhead Template FREEBIE at the end of this post to get you started right away.
Be sure to take time to review the huge list of discounts and make notes of the ones available to you.
If you don’t see a discount for a place you are looking for or they don’t explicitly mention homeschoolers don’t be afraid to ask.
But always remember “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” so the way you ask matters much more than what you ask.
Ultimately, there are many ways to save as a homeschooler from making budget-conscious choices for your family to taking advantage of the discounts available to you.
Start making the most of all of it today.
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More Freebies Like This:
7 Ways to Save on Homeschool Supplies: While you are working to save money remember to take advantage of the discounts that help with supplies. Afterward, go check out this post and make sure you are practicing these 7 strategies to maximize your savings.
3 Tips to Save Money on Your Homeschool Curriculum: You can find 3 easy tips that you can start incorporating into your homeschool life right now to help you save money on your curriculum. Plus, grab the free homeschool curriculum planner template to make your planning a breeze.
Last Updated on November 3, 2024 by Kierra