One of my all time favorite ways to spend the summer is go camping especially as a group.
Getting out in nature, seeing all the stars, and hearing all the wildlife around us at night always puts the world into perspective. We always try to do a little fishing and hiking while we are there as well.
But going camping with your children is beneficial to everyone.
Some of the obvious benefits are time together as a family, the ability to steer clear of screens, and getting to learn about the great outdoors.
But there are some more understated benefits that you may not be thinking about. For example, teaching survival skills like starting a fire, teaching a respect for nature, helping with mental health, and giving them the true freedom to explore.
So, before you head out I have put together a FREE list of the camping essentials that will make your life easy for the entire family including ways to keep your little ones intrigued throughout the entire trip. Plus, I have included the top 5 tips that I have learned from our time camping.

Tip #1: Give the Kids Jobs to Do
One way to make sure everyone stays engaged is to assign them a task. Think about everything that needs to be done when you first arrive, to prepare a meal, and then when you are packing to leave.
Then use that to create some tasks cards for the family.
One of our favorite kiddo friendly jobs is letting them pump up the airbed manually. It takes some physical dedication and a little time. So, we get them started and let them do the rest taking breaks as needed.
Afterward, they are in charge of picking up any trash we may have created as we unpack and get settled in. By that point they are usually tired and get to rest before we have a quick lunch.
Assigning tasks for the day to day keeps them busy plus builds on essential life skills.
Tip #2: Add Sage to the Campfire to Keep Mosquitoes Away
Sitting around the campfire is one of the most notable things about going camping.
Because is it really camping if you don’t make s’mores, tell scary stories, or sitting around talking all night (after the little ones lay down).
But another camping staple is definitely the mosquitos especially if you go during the summer like I do. A great way to combat this is with some sage.
Taking a stack of sage sticks and adding it to your campfire wood will not only add some great aromatherapy, but it will help to keep those annoying mosquitoes from nibbling at the entire family.

Tip #3: Use kid floor foam tiles on the floor of your tent for more comfort
One of the hardest parts about camping can be finding a way to get comfortable when you go to sleep.
If you are planning to use sleeping bags rather than an air mattress then investing in some foam tiles (if you haven’t already) is essential.

The foam surface created by interlocking the mats will create some extra cushion and give everyone a little more comfort when it comes to bed time.
Plus, once back home they can be put down in garages or other play areas to keep accidents to a minimum.
Tip #4: Bring Something to Charge Your Essential Devices
Although, camping is a great way for the family to unplug you still want to be sure your essential devices are charged and ready to go. Be sure to bring a charger that is either solar powered or runs on its on separate battery.
There are plenty of options to choose from that won’t break the bank. And it is still nice to have if you want to play some music or use some other features technology offers without bringing along additional items.
And if you choose to let your little one use any electronics you want to be able to charge them as needed.
Tip #5: Create a Camping To-Do Box to Help with Boredom
This last tip takes a little preplanning on your part.
What you want to do is put together some activities that they can do when the adults are busy making meals, setting up the tents, breaking down things, or even when you just need a break.
These activities will be used to stimulate them without requiring complete supervision. You will find a list of some of my favorite boredom busters included in the essentials checklist freebie provided below.
Get the printable (if needed), the items needed for it (usually a pencil or crayons), then pack it with your camping items and bring it with you.
Simple as that. It will a lifesaver you didn’t know you needed. Trust me. You don’t realize how tiring it is to be outside camping until it hits you.

How to Use The Checklist:
- Download the printable.
- Use the checklist to assist with packing, be sure to remember the camping tips and tricks as you pack.
- Use the boredom busters helper page to put together your own ideas for the little ones that you can use if needed.
- Pack up those items as well and pull them out as needed.
- It is binder compatible, but I like to keep a clipboard handy when camping and it’s perfect for that.
Don’t forget to grab the camping freebie found at the bottom of this page that will help teach your little one all about camp and includes a fun scavenger hunt they can do as well.
Make it Yours:
To get the essentials checklist simply click the button below and you will be able to download it.
Other Fun Outdoor Ideas:
Camping Activities for Kids: This 8 page freebie has 5 different activities that can be done while enjoying the great outdoors. From a scavenger hunt to count and color activities learning about camping will be nothing short of incredible.

Scavenger Hunt Pack: It’s off to the races with this awesome scavenger hunt pack. Containing over 13 different scavenger hunts it is the perfect tool to add to your curriculum for active ideas that your students will love. Over 20 pages of fun.