Gardening is an easy hobby that has so many positive benefits. It is perfect for people of all ages and is so rewarding.
You can get started gardening with a small designated area or even a small drain-able container.
These flashcards focus on the 7 easiest foods you can start growing with your kids as soon as today in your own kitchen.

How to Start a Garden Project:
You will want to choose what you want to plant. In this case, you will be planting food.
Of course most people start planting in a garden in their front or backyard.
However, you can also start a garden by using grow bags that can be found at your local Home Depot or gardening shop.
Next Steps:
Once you choose your foods and decide how you want to plant them there are a few other things you will need to do.
First, determine the PH of your soil and get the right type of fertilizer. These two things are the most important in ensuring maximum growth for your crops.
Then, you will want to research what zone. This ‘zone’ tells you the right time to plant different foods. Northern areas may have a different planting time than Southern areas.
After you have covered those three things and purchased any needed gardening tools you are ready to use the Budding Mama Gardening Flashcards.
What’s Included:
Each flashcards comes with a photo of the food you will be planting.
Details on when to plan, how to care for the crop, and when to harvest it.
These 3 categories will guide you on what you need to get started. There is also a tips card included for additional information on how to maximize your crop size.
You can choose to laminate these and cut them out for individual use. Or my favorite option is to print the full page and place them in a binder using a page protector.
Doing this will allow you to include it in your homeschool binder for reference with other lesson plans.
If you don’t have a homeschool binder you can learn all about the importance of why you need one here [coming soon]…
And you can find my favorite homeschool binder-friendly organizer here.

When to Plant:
You will find details on what season to plant your crop. The type of soil that helps your crop grown best as well as any specific PH levels you should be looking for in regards to growing your plants.
How to Care For:
This section of the flashcard will tell you how often to water your plant. When to move it to a bigger pot, add fertilizer, and other information as needed to best grow the plants you choose.
When to Harvest:
You will learn when is the best time to harvest your crop for eating, replanting, or to maintain its life. These plants are all fairly easy to start growing and harvesting them is all on the simpler side.
Either way be sure to laminate it or use a page protector to get the maximum use out of this awesome counting mat.
How to Use the Flashcards:
- Print out the printable.
- Laminate the sheets to help especially if you are keeping them close when you are gardening.
- Choose to put them in a binder or cut them out and keep them handy when you need them.
- Use the details on the cards to plant your own little garden.
- Have fun.
Remember to do some research on the type of plants you want to grow. Details will vary by region so it will help to learn about your soil and growing zones.

Trying to save money on ink: I use an HP Printer and pay for the Instant Ink program. For $3.24 (after tax) a month I get unlimited ink cartridges sent to me as I need them. And 50 pages to print a month.
Any unused pages rollover. It’s one of the best things I could ever have purchased. To get a month of free printing sign up for HP instant ink using this code.
[I may receive a commission for products you purchase from these sites. Please know I will only give my honest opinion on any recommendations. For more information, click here.]
Check out some of these other great printables as well:
Gardening Ladybug Counting Activity– This 5-page freebie has counting clip cards that work for younger students or can be modified for Pre-K to Kindergarten. It focuses on counting up to the number 10 and practicing number identification. Pairs perfect with both a gardening or insect theme.
Clip Card Shape Worksheets– This printable is only for Budding Mama VIPs. It is totally free you just have to fill out the box with your email. And you will have access to exclusive freebies not available to everyone. The shape worksheets covers colors and shapes of all sorts.
Download the printable by clicking the box below.
Last Updated on April 2, 2021 by Kierra