Is homeschooling bad?
You will find opinions on both sides of the coin.
It is easy to fall prey to the “oh homeschool makes your child lack social skills” stigma that comes from the movies… and is EXTREMELY inaccurate. Or some of the other typical reasons that leaves the general public questioning the success of homeschooling.
But ask yourself again is homeschooling actually bad?
Although, I don’t BELIEVE homeschool is bad I do have 5 legitimate reasons to not homeschool for any family.
Disclaimer: I am still all for homeschooling in case you were wondering.

Reason #1: If you are NOT a strong-willed person
Seem cheesy? Well I am very seriously.
When deciding to homeschool this is the time to be brutally honest with yourself.
Are you a person that doesn’t like to upset anyone or always wants to please people with the decisions you make?
While, that may make for a perfect peacemaker or a mediator it doesn’t help as a homeschooler.
We leave in a day and age where every single thing you do is judged. Why you did it. How you did. It’s all up for scrunity.
And since choosing to homeschool is still seen as taboo because people aren’t sure of how it really works that leavves you subject to a lot of criticism. Which can be hard for a lot of people to deal with.
When something goes against the status-quo most people assume what you are doing is wrong—it’s just human nature.
If you aren’t able to deal with people constantly questioning why you chose to homeschool or handling unwanted judgment you should stick to traditional education methods.
Reason #2: You DON’T have the time
You are busy. I understand.
As a mom, you try to do as much as you can in a day but honestly is there ever enough time?
Unpopular But Accurate Homeschool Opinion: Homeschool takes a LOT of time, but it gets better as you get your routine together.
Now when it comes to teaching there are some options that don’t require you to be too hands-on. But even when choosing those methods they still require some form of planning, research, and adjusting if they don’t work the way you thought they would.
Understanding that, if you already have a plate full of things and couldn’t imagine adding something else then you probably shouldn’t homeschool.
Think: How many extra hours do you really have in a day?
Although you may be shocked to believe it if you work outside of the home it doesn’t completely rule out homeschooling. You must have a strong grip on your time management and truly work to create a system that provides
Working, having multiple kids, and other obligations may be too much to handle if you are trying to homeschool.
Take a good look at how much time you really have available and determine if you are mentally ready to become a homeschooler.
Reason #3: You WANT something quick and easy
Know this: No homeschooler chooses this path so because it will be easy.
So while the rewards are truly life-changing and satisfying the journey will be like an ocean. Constantly ebbing and flowing.
If you’re going to homeschool, know that it yes it takes time, it can and will get difficult, and it is not a quick alternative to the traditional methods.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, or difficulty,” and that is my view on homeschooling.
It’s not easy it’s just worth it.
However, if quick and simple is what you are looking for then stick to the traditional teaching methods.

Reason #4: Your child DOESN’T want to

Yes, you are the parent.
Yes, mother knows best.
But how your child feels about homeschool matters. If you want to create a positive learning environment, then you want your child/children to be a part of those decisions.
If you start homeschooling and later they change their mind you still want to be considerate of your child. It is not beneficial for anybody if the teaching environment is being forced.
Reason #5: You DON’T like the homeschool laws of your state
Homeschooling is a great change of pace if you want to have more control over the current system of public education that your child is subjected to.
If that is one of your main reasons for considering homeschooling you should look into these compelling reasons you should homeschool. They will really help you see the additional benefits.
Nevertheless, you may have this perfect picture in your mind of what you would like to do for your homeschool. Well, that vision has to work with what your state requires.

The Quick Version:
Each state has its own requirements of what is needed to homeschool legally.
Some states are very lax (ex. Texas), and others are strict (ex. New York). Most are right in the middle with low or moderate regulations.
No matter the requirements, you can still homeschool it just may be a little more time-consuming.
You should consider: Are you comfortable with the idea of submitting an instruction plan of what you will be teaching? What about complying with a day and hour requirement?
These AREN’T required for all states, but depending on where you live they may be? Is that ok with you?
If the answer is no then don’t homeschool.
Now What?!
Now to answer the question is homeschool bad. No, it isn’t bad, but it really isn’t a possibility solution for everyone.
And that’s perfectly fine!
Yet, when you decide to make that decision you must remember it takes research and you must weigh all your options.
If any of these reasons stand out to you as no-no’s, you may want to reconsider your choice.
Ready to start planning out your own homeschool lessons and want a little help?
Sign up for the FREE 3-Day Hack Your Homeschool Curriculum Challenge and get a copy of my Lesson Planning System PDF guide.
It will help you learn the main things you need to know when lesson planning and by the end of the challenge you will have a completed lesson plan ready to teach with.
Sign up today.

Get Your Hands on More Homeschool Ideas and Knowledge Below:
6 Reasons to Homeschool– Still looking to dig more into all things homeschool? This quick 5-minute read covers compelling reasons to join homeschoolers all around the world. Plus, there are numerous resources listed in the post that you can start taking advantage of.
How To Homeschool in 5 Steps– Made the decision? It’s time to homeschool? Then learn how to get started in 5 simple steps. You will also find access to freebies and organizers that can help make your homeschool journey much smoother from day one.
Last Updated on November 30, 2024 by Kierra