Homeschooling has provided numerous parents with the opportunity to create a learning environment that can be tailored to their child’s interests and learning ability.
But oftentimes creating a homeschool schedule that works and keeps your child interested can sometimes feel difficult or overwhelming. Or, every once in a while things just start to feel routine.
Here are 10 techniques to renew your homeschool and help you recharge when you are starting to feel drained.
*Tips 1-5 focus on techniques or methods from the parenting aspect*
*Tips 6-10 focuses on ideas and activities to keep/get your child interested in homeschool and the curriculum*

- Re-Evaluate Your Goals. Whether it is biweekly, monthly, or semi-annually take a few days and go over your homeschool goals.
You want to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your homeschool curriculum, process, etc.
Take some time out when you are losing inspiration (and at set intervals) to reflect on if your homeschool is still matching your goals or if you need to set new ones.
Your homeschool needs will change and you want to adapt with the changes.
Change isn’t a bad thing.
- Rearrange Your Space. Moving things around in your homeschool room/spaces can often help things feel new.
Moving some bookshelves, a table, or where you keep supplies can make a big difference when you are feeling like you’re in a slump. Making space for natural light or adding plants to a room can psychological help you feel better. Even switching up the colors in a room can help with moods -look into yellows, oranges, and blues. I like switching up our home usually two times a year. It keeps things feeling fresh and changes my perspective when I enter a room.
I have an amazing free decorating checklist you can use to make the process easier. It can be yours by clicking here (will open in a new browser window).
It is called a mystery freebie, but it is the decorating checklist don’t ruin the surprise for others lol.
- Substitute Teacher for a Day. Have a family member or friend who specializes in a certain field can be a great way to add variety to a normal day.
Anytime I can bring in someone else to go over a subject I always do so.
Some ideas when learning about their family tree, have a grandparent or someone come over. Or have a friend who is a police officer or community leader come over and offer life lessons and learning experiences.
- Have a Kid Play Day. Make sure you take time to play with your kids outside of learning.
When things don’t seem to be going the way you want or you can’t find inspiration through your homeschool day, take some time out to play.
Your kids can always play together, but you still want to take time out and play also. Whether it is playing outside or a quick game inside from charades to hide and seek.
Take some time to have fun and spend time with your child without solely focusing on learning.
Just have fun!
- Take Some Mom Time. Whenever you are in a funk take some YOU time.
There is nothing wrong with taking some time out for yourself whenever you’re feeling too bogged down.
When losing your drive or needing some renewal take a day to take some “you time” and just do something you enjoy. It’s a great time for a play date or a visit to the grandparents.
- Plan a family outing or trip. Allow your kids to help you plan a family day outing or a field trip.
It allows them to feel included while adding their own interest and favorite subjects.
The field trip or actual outing will allow for a learning experience on the go or for some family time. It can be the boost everyone needs.
Alongside them feeling involved in their education it is a great way to take a step back from the daily routine.
- Outside learning. Spend a day outside going over your lesson plan.
Host a math lesson sitting under a tree or read a book laying on a blanket in the grass.
A change of scenery can be a little boost for children who are growing bored and losing steam.
A normal activity like daily reading can seem fun and spontaneous when you do it somewhere else. Even activities that you don’t normally do can be incorporated into outside activities like exercising.
- Theme lesson day. Get creative and make a day of the week something to look forward to.
These weekday themes can be very literal or a broad idea that you can use.
For instance, Travel Tuesdays can be a day where you incorporate geographical activities or work. It can be both enjoyable and educational.
Pick a different place every week to learn about and then do a fun activity with it at the end of the week. Or on Tuesdays (until you try a new one) you can do homeschool in a different place (literal travel Tuesday).
Or you can do a learning theme. Some awesome printable packs covering themes from Ice Cream to Emotions to Arctic Animals can be found here.
- Move beyond the lesson plan. Sometimes a subject can cause you to go off topic…use it.
Allowing some discussions to go away from the normal lesson plan can oftentimes be distracting. However, it can also be good for embracing something your child may find interesting.
A plan is good, but there is nothing wrong with going off the cuff here and there. It can be a great tool to encourage free-thinking and individuality.
- Get crafty. Hands-on activities can be a great way to still incorporate learning and spontaneity.
Craft projects do not require you to be a Pinterest craft guru, even though they do have some great crafts.
Simple crafts can work wonders. Any hands-on activities can make for a great addition to a traditional lesson plan especially if you can combine the activity to your current subject.
Getting Over the Slump…
So remember if you start feeling overwhelmed the sooner you can decompress the faster you can feel some relief.
These 10 techniques, when implemented, can renew and inspire you and your homeschool/classroom.
But if you are in a slump that feels so hard to overcome because even after trying these resets you still have to get back to the regularly scheduled mom life then get your curriculum planned out for up to 3 years.
With the Master Bundles, homeschooling has never been easier. Pre-planned for one, two, or even three full years, it’s a complete roadmap—field trips, hands-on activities, and more.
You’ll be able to focus on teaching instead of worrying about the planning and metrics. With everything organized for you, the joy of homeschooling becomes the main focus, leaving more energy for memory-making moments. Choose which one works best for you and your family.

Kindergarten Curriculum Bundle
There are plenty of other methods you can try out too, but these are some simple pointers you can plan on using today or tomorrow.
More Ideas to Refresh Your Homeschool:
6 Straightforward Habits to Make Homeschool Easy and Fun: If you would like more ideas like this to keep your homeschool feeling fun and refreshed these 6 habits are exactly what you need.
Essential Must-Haves for Moms: 10 must-haves for your homeschool as you get reset and get a new balance. Number 3 and 4 are my favorites. Get your free list of books, curriculum ideas, and more.
Last Updated on November 3, 2024 by Kierra